Cats are carnivores. Period. They cannot have a vegetarian diet and survive, nor are they omnivorous like dogs and people. They need meat and the amino acids and enzymes it provides to stay healthy. The healthiest possible diet for a cat is one which mimics its natural diet in the wild - mice (bones, skin and all), occasional insects, small birds. I'm not suggesting you feed your cats mice, but you can try to get as close to a natural diet as possible.
My kittens are raised on a combination of premium quality dry foods, premium commercial canned kitten foods and homemade raw cat food. Below are recommendations for each.
Homemade raw cat food. There are many recipes available. The good ones will contain meat and bones, a small amount of vegetables, and no grains. I also add some vitamins and minerals. Some of my cats prefer this; some won't go near it. The kittens all eat it with gusto when they are small. Here is a link to a page that talks about recipes. Because I feed a combination of homemade and canned foods, the raw food I feed is mostly chunks of organic chicken or turkey, along with a calcium supplement to balance the calcium and phosphorous to proper levels for cats by Merritt Nutritionals. I also occasionally feed ground meat and bone. I don't add vegetables because they get those in their canned food. As for using grocery store bought meat instead of the organic meat - well, the cats know the difference and much prefer the organic.
Something I have recently starting using is freeze dried raw food. While even more expensive than raw food, it is very convenient for traveling, and my cats love it. There are 2 different brands they like - Stella & Chewy's beef and chicken, and O'Paws (made by Oma's Pride, packager of raw meat and mixes for cats and dogs). They particularly like the freeze dried rabbit and ground bone, or the venison.
Commercial cat foods. One of the problems with commercial foods is that some are denatured - they are treated with kerosene, charcoal and other disgusting stuff to make them unfit for human consumption. Ever open a can of pet food and get a whiff of petroleum-like odor? It has been denatured. I try to find foods that are not denatured. UPDATE 2008: It seems fewer and fewer foods are being denatured, which is very good news!
Another problem is that all kinds of junk can legally be put in pet foods, including carcasses of diseased animals and euthanized pets. Gross, isn't it? These are listed on the label as "by-products". By far the worst label you can find says "meat by-products" - what kind of meat? This is when it gets really scary. When a label says "chicken by-products", it usually means parts like feet, beaks, feathers - not really desirable, but not really harmful either. Other things - such as rendered dead dogs and cats - can legally be added to pet food. So by all means avoid anything that says "meat by-products" because you have no idea what you might be getting. THESE LABEL DESIGNATIONS ARE ON BOTH CANNED AND DRY FOODS. Avoid anything with meat by-products.
Remember the pet food recall of 2007? Manufacturers were trying to artificially increase the protein content of their foods by adding a chemical which was actually toxic to animals! I know several people who lost pets to sudden kidney failure because of these foods.
I look for foods that are "natural", but even that has its problems. There are no guidelines about the use of the word "natural" in pet foods, and it doesn't mean the food is using human grade ingredients or is not being denatured.
Look at the label - the first ingredient should be a type of meat - chicken, turkey, lamb, beef, etc. Some foods include vegetables - these aren't really a big part of a wild cats diet (how many veggies, seeds and grains could actually be in a mouse's stomach?). However, they can provide some fiber to the diet. It's debatable whether cats, as carnivores, can derive any nutritional value at all from veggies, but most veggies or fruits used in cat foods won't hurt cats. Some foods also include rice or wheat. The rice, again, is for fiber, and to fill up the cat so it doesn't have to eat as much. Unfortunately, grains are pure carbohydrate, and turn to sugar in the body. (For more information on carbs and cat health, see this article.) Wheat is used to make a gravy, so the food looks more palatable to humans, so then we will think our cats will like it, too. Since canned food is cooked in the can, no preservatives are necessary - the can is the preservative. And in dry foods, frequently the first ingredient (or a very prominent one) is corn. Often the corn used in dry foods is of very poor quality and can lead to digestive and allergy problems. I recommend dry foods with rice or oatmeal instead - or preferably, no dry foods at all, since they are merely a convenience for us humans.
One food I recommend is Wellness, by a company called Neura. Yes, it's rather expensive, but the ingredients are all human grade, and the cats like it. This is the food I recommend above all other commercial foods.
Other things I try to avoid are foods with tuna. Tuna is addictive, some cats will get to the point where they don't want to eat anything else! Tuna has an ingredient that interferes with the vitamin E in a cat's body, and the cat can become very ill. Salmon is another thing to watch for - it's not bad in itself, but many manufacturers put artificial colorings in the food to give them a red color, and these aren't good. Salmon oil has essential fatty acids that are very good for cats, so if you want to feed salmon make sure the manufacturer hasn't added a bunch of dye to make the food look more natural.
Brands of canned foods I use:


Avoderm (chicken)

Authority (Petsmart's brand)
Innova Evo

Nutro Max Gourmet
(Avoderm in the big cans is very soft and has a high water content. This is good for kittens, but also for cats you are trying to coax to eat something. And the cats really like them. They are appropriate for any cat.)
NOTE AS OF 2007: Some of these foods or certain products of 2these brands may have been on the Pet food recall list. Please check the list before feeding ANY pet food, and feed only foods that have NOT been recalled.
As a breeder and cat rescuer, I used to provide my new pet owners with a notebook that includes articles on various topics, along with other information the owners may find helpful over the years. Since most of the folks who have my Somalis or rescued cats also have access to the internet, I moved all the information here, so that it can be updated whenever necessary. These "care and feeding" pages contained the text and links to the articles in the notebook, along with additional links on the various topics. I hope you will find this helpful, whether you have a Somali or any other domestic cat. See the links above for the various topics.